Well it seems a hangover is a great motivator. Or at least mine was. I'm tired of just sitting and waiting. I want answers.
You didn't get dinner last night. I really didn't see the point.
Went down and sat at the police station today until someone talked to me. I figured they couldn't ignore me forever. They've been able to get a signal from your phone but are having a hard time pinpointing its location. It seems this happens when the phone is either dead or damaged. You know I don't understand all this technology stuff, but it's rather foreboding... Dead or damaged.
But, they're "working on it." I'd hate to see them try to put out a fire.
Your office here is a complete disaster, by the way. I may have upended it looking for some idea as to where you've vanished to. Perhaps I'll clean it up later. It didn't make my list. I did find your laptop in your desk. Do you always keep it in your desk? I can't remember. I don't know your password, though, so a lot of good it does me. I don't know why you wouldn't take it if you'd intended to leave. Yet another thing that doesn't make sense. James assures me he can get through the password. He's going to look at it this evening when he gets in. I guess we'll see what happens.
I miss you. I do. But more than anything I want to know why... or what... I still just do not understand. I had the notion that you were hiding out at your mom's. She won't take my calls, which in itself is odd considering she calls here incessantly when you are home - often when you're not... And now, nothing - to add to the rest of the nothing. Does she know something I don't? I won't admit to checking over there to see if I saw you - but unless your car is hidden away somewhere else and you're hiding in the back room while she goes about her day, you're not there.
Of course without you here, she has no fight to pick with me, I guess... Maybe that's all it is. It's still weird that she's not calling you to change a lightbulb or inspect that weird noise in her vacuum or whatever else needs tending to that
I just can't help but wonder.
Gary seems to be hard to find these days, too. I talked to him the day you left (if you left), but I've not heard from him since, either. Not that I talk to Gary that often, but it just seems odd that he's not answering me back either.
Maybe I am just being paranoid.
Maybe I am just losing my mind.
Maybe it's just this damned hangover... Not had one of these in a while.
Maybe I am just completely exhausted.
It's been days now. I don't know that I am losing hope as much as I am beginning to face some kind of a reality. What that reality is, I am still not sure.
Maybe you did just leave. I think that would be easier to take that thinking something's happened to you. At least then I could be mad instead of worried.
Right now, I am a little bit of both.
And heartbroken.
So I ask again... where are you?
This is starting to take some odd twists...